NGINX CGI Parameter Gotcha

When I first started the agilitynerd blog in 2004 I had my Blosxom blogging CGI script running via Apache. Later on I moved all my sites to nginx or took advantage of nginx's caching features to have it act as a proxy in front of Apache. I finally decided to …

Configuring Runit for Gunicorn and Django Installed in a Virtualenv on Ubuntu

I couldn't find any documentation that covered all the pieces for configuring my latest Django site so I hope this helps someone else out.

I had used mod_wsgi under Apache for my other Django sites. But now I'm using different python versions for the sites (until if/when I update …

Image Theft Ranting And Blocking

I was really disappointed yesterday when I checked my blog's statistics and found that someone from a Hungarian Agility discussion board had directly linked course images from my website. Direct linking of an image is placing the URL of the image directly in a webpage hosted on another server. Each …