is my first Django website and under the covers the oldest code looked like it. I had originally written it with the sole intent of allowing people to enter dog agility businesses and websites into a database that I could use to create a Dog Agility Google Custom Search Engine. The primary mistake I made was making the "project" (in Django speak) effectively equivalent to the primary application. In other words I didn't divide the major features of the site into standalone applications (which would allow them to be more easily reused, extended and tested).
As I continued to work on it I learned more about organizing Django projects. When I added the periodical search to the website I created it as a standalone application. I recently split out my django-shrinktheweb application from the main code base.
The Custom Search Engine (CSE) functionality is a worthwhile application that I'm planning on releasing as its own reusable application. I had already created an application directory called "cse" into which I had placed my models, views, urls, and tests specific to the CSE functionality. But I wanted to make the following changes:
Those are enough changes that I was concerned that I might miss something that would fail either in the view code or in rendering of the templates.
The Django test client makes it easy to test the forward and reverse url matching, calling the view and rendering the template. It is kind of a coarse grained test but the changes I was making were perfect for this tool. Given a
urlpatterns = patterns('cse.views', url(r'^site/view/(?P<id>d+)/$', 'view', name='cse_view'),)``
and a view:
def view(request, id, template='cse/view.html'): """Display an end user read only view of the site information""" site = get_object_or_404(Annotation, pk=id) return render_to_response(template, {'site': site, 'labels': get_labels_for(site, cap=None), }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))``
I then wrote a test class to create the required test instances and tests for each url to verify that the url can be found by name (via reverse()), the url maps to a view, the view invokes the desired template(s), and the {% url %} calls within the template can all be resolved:
from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from cse.models import Label, Annotation class ViewsTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.client = Client() self.ROOT_URLCONF = settings.ROOT_URLCONF # can provide a custom for testing so the tests can be run when # the application is incorporated into another project # settings.ROOT_URLCONF = 'cse.tests.cse_test_urls' # override the template context processors if there are special ones in place # that either you want to test or want to avoid self.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = () # Create some instances on which we can invoke views self.label = Label(name='name', description='description') self.annotation = Annotation(comment='Site Name', original_url='') self.annotation.labels.add(self.label) def tearDown(self): # put settings back so the next tests aren't effected settings.ROOT_URLCONF = self.ROOT_URLCONF settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = self.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS def test_view(self): response = self.client.get(reverse('cse_view', kwargs={"id"})) self.assertEquals(200, response.status_code) self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'cse/view.html')
The normal unittest asserts are available in the tests. I'm using one of the special asserts provided by the Django test Client to verify that the template I expected was used. All the templates used (due to template inheritance) are collected by the client and can also be verified.
I used these tests in a TDD-ish manner, I wrote the test for a view, ran the tests and kept resolving errors in the templates as I made the changes in my bullet list. It made a tedious job simple and gave me good confidence that I'd found all the renamed urls, views, and templates.