I was adding django-sitemap to googility.com yesterday and found that Tags don't implement get_absolute_url(). Which makes sense since the site developer would want to decide how to expose them in the URL space.
It is also arguable that links to pages displaying the tag view already exist in the page for models that are already in the sitemap so they don't need to be put in the sitemap explicitly. For example, a page for an Article might be at /article/django-11-release and that page would contain the links to pages linked with the tags for that article e.g. /tag/django/ and /tag/python/
But I figured having the tag pages indexed by Google would be useful. It also allows a different priority to be specified for the pages. So I made a little class that derives from GenericSitemap that allows the url and suffix for the Tag name to be specified:
class SlugSitemap(GenericSitemap): """Use for objects that don't implement get_absolute_url but have a slug field used in creating their url""" def __init__(self, info_dict, priority=None, changefreq=None): GenericSitemap.__init__(self, info_dict, priority=priority, changefreq=changefreq) self.url = info_dict.get('url', '/') self.slugfield = info_dict['slugfield'] self.suffix = info_dict.get('suffix', '') def location(self, obj): return "%s%s%s" % (self.url, getattr(obj, self.slugfield), self.suffix)
Here's how I use it:
sitemaps = {'tag_detail': SlugSitemap({'queryset':Tag.objects, 'url':'/tag/', 'slugfield':'name', 'suffix':'/'}, changefreq='monthly', priority='0.5'), }
The urls for tags are at /tag/slugname/ where /tag/ is prepended to tag.name and / is appended to the end
This class can be used to create sitemap entries for any url parameterized on a single field of an instance returned by the QuerySet.