Blosxom Plugin for Generating Facebook Comment xids

I've been using Blosxom to power my dog agility blog for over 6 years. In the past year or so I've enabled Facebook comments in addition to my site's own comment plugin. I ran into a problem using Facebook's comments: if the user enters a comment on a page and …

Blosxom hitcounter, favorites and lastread plugins for MongoDB

When I wrote my plugins for tracking the visits to each page (hitcounter), presenting the counts by popularity (favorites), and displaying the most recently read posts (lastread) I used Perl's Storable module as a simple way to serialize the data structure to and from disk. At the time I wasn't …

AgilityNerd Blosxom Plugins

Updated 20-Jun-08 for addition of storytitle

I'm really impressed with the Blosxom plugin mechanism. Rael Dornfest, author of Blosxom, put hooks at strategic points in the page generation process. At each hook point the main script iterates all the plugins present in the plugin directory. Plugins that implement the hook …