Way back in 2004, when the content in this blog was a category in the main AglityNerd blog, I used the Perl Blosxom application to serve the blog. When my dog agility readers complained/were confused by the sprinkling of tech postings I split off tech.agilitynerd in another Blosxom …
I've been using Blosxom to power my dog agility blog for over 6 years. In the past year or so I've enabled Facebook comments in addition to my site's own comment plugin. I ran into a problem using Facebook's comments: if the user enters a comment on a page and …
When I wrote my plugins for tracking the visits to each page (hitcounter), presenting the counts by popularity (favorites), and displaying the most recently read posts (lastread) I used Perl's Storable module as a simple way to serialize the data structure to and from disk. At the time I wasn't …
I've always wanted my AgilityNerd blog to serve as a reference for interesting dog agility subjects. Consequently, I'm interested in making it as easy as possible for readers to locate, explore, and learn more about the sport. So improving navigation is a strong interest to me.
I have been reading …
I had a comment entered on my dog agility blog that I subsequently deleted and of course my lastcommented plugin recorded the comment as the most recent comment. Since the plugin uses Storable to store the data I couldn't manually edit the file to remove the entry.
So I modified …
I had previously extended Jason Clark's moreentries plugin for Blosxom to allow adding images to links to the previous and next group of articles/entries in the head or foot of a Blosxom weblog. While attempting to have valid HTML on my blogs I found that I had left an …
After fixing a bug in these plugins I decided to add some new features:
I found a bug in my hitcounter, favorites, lastread and lastcommented plugins due to my not using the correct Perl Storable functions. For some reason I didn't use the locking versions of retrieve() and nstore(). So when my old webhost had some problem causing long page load times (and many …
I previously blogged a solution for the Unknown Flavour error that involved modifying the blosxom.cgi script itself. I recently found my modification caused requests for the RSS 0.91 feed and atom feeds to return the default flavour instead of the desired feed. I suspect any plugin using a …
I added a Favorites page to the side menu of my AgilityNerd site. Since then I've been updating it manually about once a month based on the AWStats reports from my web hosting provider (HostMagix). This task is unnecessarily complicated because AWStats keeps page counts independently for each URL, which …