LiveReload with Pelican

I was looking to use LiveReload while developing using Pelican and I came across this nice simple solution by Merlijn van Deen.

In my use case I also wanted to watch the file and themes directory for changes and then regenerate the output and reload the browser. Lastly …

Django Migrating Models from an Abstract Base Class to a Concrete Base Class

On my I had been modeling three types of dog agility courses using an abstract base class Course with three child classes: Box, StarBox, and DoubleBox. This created three tables in the database prepended with the Django application name box: box_box, box_starbox, and box_doublebox. I needed to add …

Django REST Registration with django-rest-auth and django-allauth

I'm creating a mobile app for my agilitycourses website and I'm using django-rest-framework to provide a REST API for use by the client application. In order to provide authentication and registration I'm using django-allauth. Lastly I use django-rest-auth to provide REST resources for authentication and registration.

I implemented and tested …

Integrated Coverage Analysis with Coveralls

When I converted django-periodicals to use cookiecutter-djangopackage I was running in my Travis-CI .travis.yml to report the coverage results to the command line log. The coverage results were interesting but didn't really alter my development practice much.

Over the years I've had differing options about coverage testing …

cookiecutter-djangopackage - Do the Right Thing

In preparation for upgrading and enhancing I've started breaking out reusable applications, upgrading them, and open sourcing the code on GitHub. I wanted to follow development best practices and create high quality applications including these features:

  • A full set of tests.
  • Near 100% code coverage.
  • Continuous Integration running …

Moved To Pelican

Way back in 2004, when the content in this blog was a category in the main AglityNerd blog, I used the Perl Blosxom application to serve the blog. When my dog agility readers complained/were confused by the sprinkling of tech postings I split off tech.agilitynerd in another Blosxom …

Google Analytics for JQuery Mobile With Internal and AJAX Pages

I added google analytics to my website and was having problems getting the mobile version of the site to log analytics data after the first page. Google found this very helpful blog post: Using Google Analytics with jQuery Mobile and it got me very close to my final …

Create Posterous Posts from Google Forms

I've been organizing dog agility bloggers for Dog Agility Blog Action Days and wanted to automate updating our group's blog when each blogger posted their article on the event/action days. For past events I had the bloggers email me with the information and manually created each entry in the …

Reducing the Cost of Client Side Analytics

I read Andy McKay's blog post on timing user experience on the Mozilla Webdev blog the other day and it reminded me of an idea I was thinking about for measuring client side timings at work. I had been toying with the idea of rolling our own library to capture …

YellowGrass - Web Based Issue Tracking

I was doing some reading on mobl and saw that they are using a free web based service called YellowGrass for issue tracking. It has some nice features and seems easy to use. Everything is tag based. I think I'll try to use it for tracking enhancements to …